Remote Guard Gallery

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Teens Loitering in Parking Garage Stairwell

Group of teens was caught loitering in a parking garage stairwell. One of our advanced analytic cameras immediately detected the activity, prompting a live agent to issue a Voice Down, informing the individuals that they were in a secured area and under surveillance. The agent instructed the group to leave the premises, and the teens quickly fled, exiting the property without causing any damage.

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Suspicious Man Casing Vehicles in Parking Garage

A suspicious man uses a flashlight to examine the inside of parked vehicles in a community’s parking garage, while another person waits inside a nearby car. After reviewing the scene, an Edgeworth agent issues a Voice Down directly confronting the individual and warning them they are being watched and recorded. They are told to evacuate the premises right away, and the two trespassers promptly leave.

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Man Loitering In-front of Apartment Building

individual was seen trespassing/ loitering on an Edgeworth secured site. Suspect was alerted using a Voice Down that they were being watched and recorded and were advised to leave the property immediately. The Voice Down was successful and the suspect left the premises.

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Suspicious Individual Casing Vehicle Outside of Home

Our Remote Guarding cameras caught suspicious looking individuals walking up to a high end residential property in Palm Beach. The individuals seemed to be trying to gain access to the vehicle parked out front in attempts to steal. After being detected our live agent promptly issued a Voice Down, warning the suspects that they are on private property and the police have been notified. The suspects quickly left the property and the police came by to check the area.

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Driver Illegally Tails Another Car into Secured Parking Garage

Edgeworth Securities analytic cameras caught this car illegally tailing another car into a private multi-family parking garage. After immediately being detected, one of our highly trained agents issued a Voice Down to the suspects. The agent informed them that law enforcement had been notified and that they needed to leave the property immediately. The Voice Down worked and deterred the suspects before anything bad could happen.

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Teens Smoking and Loitering in Parking Garage

These individuals were caught loitering in an Edgeworth protect parking facility. After our agent was alerted of the suspicious activity it was determined that they were partaking in illegal drug use. The agent issued a Voice Down alerting the individuals to leave the premises. The individuals left immediately with no damage done to the property.

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Masked Man Attempts to Break-in Secured Facility

Masked man tries to break into secured door with a screwdriver but is deterred by Voice Down.

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Hooded Trespasser Casing Vehicles In Parking Garage

In this incident a hooded trespasser is caught on camera in a Edgeworth protected parking garage, searching though cars windows with a flashlight. The suspect is immediately detected and warned through a Voice Down to leave the premises. The suspect takes off running before any property is stolen or damaged.

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Suspicious Man Engages in Drug Related Activity In Parking Garage Stairwell

During this incident, one of our advanced analytic cameras detected suspicious behavior in a client’s parking garage stairwell. Our highly trained live agents were immediately alerted, confirming that the suspect was engaged in illegal drug activity. A Voice Down warning was issued, instructing the individual to cease their actions and leave the premises.

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Suspicious Male Cases Vehicles in Apartment Complex Parking Garage

Suspicious male in parking garage takes flashlight and starts looking through car windows.

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Teens Trapped In Parking Garage Elevator

During this incident a father’s two teenage sons found themselves stuck in a parking garage elevator after a minor malfunction. Thankfully, this parking facility was protected by Edgeworth’s Remote Guard solution. Using the intuitive assistance buttons installed through-out the parking garage, the worried Dad was able to immediately reach out to Edgeworth’s highly trained agents for help.

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Suspicious Male Attempts Break-in to Complex

Suspicious man tries to break into complex with a tool.

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Suspicious Man Cases Vehicles in Apartment Complex Parking Lot

Man in parking lot walks up to car and checks in window and then leaves.

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Reckless Driver Hits Shopping Center Building

During this incident a reckless driver pulls into the empty parking lot and accelerates on the gas, flooring the car into the building. This is one way Edgeworth’s Remote Guard protects your property by giving you video evidence for these types of incidents. Don’t get stuck with property damage by runaway suspects, contact Edgeworth today for a free consultation.

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Man Domestically Abuses Woman in Alleyway

Man and women are walking down the street when suddenly the man pushes the women up against the wall and starts choking her.

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Individual Hops Fence at Private Residences

This individual was caught on camera trespassing on an Edgeworth protected property. The individual had hopped a gate fence to gain access to the backyard of the property. After immediately being detected, a Voice Down by one of our highly trained agents was issued. the individual fled the property before anything was stolen or any damage was done.

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Enraged Man Tries Kicking In Apartment Complex Door

Man walks up to outside of a building and tries to kick in the door. He then flicks off the security camera while other pedestrians try to stop the situation.

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Group of Individuals Attempts Break-in to Protected Facility

During this incident our smart cameras detect unusual activity from individuals walking outside of a Edgeworth protected property with crowbars. Immediately one of our live agents issue a Voice Down telling the masked individuals they are being watched and recorded by a live agent. When that doesn’t deter the individuals, the live agent alerts them that their descriptions have been provided to the police and that law enforcement is on the way. After many attempts at breaking into the reinforced door, the thieves leave empty handed.

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Intruders Break-in Through Compromised Window into Protected Facility

During this incident, intruders gained access to the inside of this facility by breaking a window that was already compromised. Our state of the art smart cameras instantly detect the unusual activity and a live agent contacts the police. The live agent then issues a Voice Down letting the intruders know that the police have been contacted and are on their way and their descriptions have been provided. The police arrived within 10 minute and the criminals try to flee as law enforcement surrounds the property.

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Individual Steals Chair from Restaurant Property

Individual steals chair from restaurant property.