
Finding personal information of public figures, such as home addresses, aerial site maps, and travel plans, is easier than ever and creates unique security challenges for these individuals. Many public figures are active on social media networking sites, making it easy for criminals to monitor their activities. Examples of this celebrity stalking method are prevalent in recent news. Would-be thieves invaded Actress Voila Davis’ Los Angeles home while she and her husband slept upstairs. These burglars thought Davis and her husband were out of town most likely because that day she had posted photos from a recent trip to Hawaii on social media, making it seem like she was still in Hawaii.

Due to their heightened security risks, the average home security system is not adequate for people in the public eye. Traditional security systems just send an alert when an intrusion occurs, but don’t actively manage the incident. Proactive systems, like Edgeworth’s Remote Guarding, are actually able to catch and engage criminals in the moment through features like Voice Down Live Communication. Remote Guarding also ensures a fast law enforcement response because of the live video feed as opposed to a tripped alarm. Law enforcement knows when Edgeworth calls that a verified incident is occurring. Our live agents act as the eyes and ears for police, in real-time until they arrive. This active management significantly increases the odds that criminals will be caught and arrested.

With the latest rash of celebrity home break-ins, Remote Guarding could have drastically changed the outcomes for this flood of celebrity home break-ins. For example, Edgeworth Security’s built-in artificial intelligence and high-definition surveillance cameras would have alerted agents that a prowler trespassed onto Cesar Millan’s Los Angeles property well before he broke into Millan’s garage . Our experienced agents would have directly communicated via Voice Down with the intruder who invaded Taylor Swift’s New York City Brownstone, letting him know he was being filmed and that police were on the way prior to the man gaining access to the property and falling asleep in Taylor’s bed . Edgeworth’s relationship with law enforcement, and their ability to be their eyes and ears before police arrive at an incident, very likely would have prevented intruders from stealing $820,000 worth of property from Usher’s home.

To meet the unique challenges faced by public figures, Edgeworth’s experienced security professionals conduct a thorough property risk assessment and develop a personalized plan to ensure the security of the property moving forward. Trespassers, loiterers and burglars are a serious threat for public figures and Edgeworth’s Remote Guarding solution stops criminals in their tracks.

Reserve your Edgeworth Security Consultation today.