Remote Guarding

From our secure headquarters, Edgeworth Security’s highly trained agents watch for and stop incidents before they happen. Our clients experience true peace of mind knowing their assets and property are secure.

Watch Remote Guarding In Action

How It Works

  1. Active Monitoring

    Our state-of-the-art cameras don't blink, fall asleep, or make mistakes and can provide simultaneous monitoring – something a physical guard simply can't do.

  2. Activity Detected

    A live security agent is immediately alerted when our systems detect unusual or undesirable activity.

  3. Agent Review

    An agent immediately reviews camera footage and monitors for any changes, determining if an event presents an active threat.

  4. Event Resolved

    Most events are resolved through a live voicedown: the agent warns the intruder through 110 dB speakers. Law enforcement is contacted and presented with all evidence.

Proactive Deterrence

1 Our Smart Technology

We find the best integration of our smart technology for your property. Our state of the art cameras, artificial intelligence and access control systems work together to protect against human error. They don’t blink, fall asleep, make mistakes and are able to provide simultaneous monitoring – something a physical guard can’t do.

If you currently have security cameras we can work with your existing network or the Edgeworth team can design a state of the art system for your property.

What Remote Guarding has Stopped



Property Damage



Physical Threats




PR Incidents

Expensive Guard Services


Accidents & Liabilities



Remote Guard Features


Voice Down Communication

After receiving an analytic alert, our agents can speak directly to intruders. Voice Down technology is designed to deter criminal activity.

Listen to an example:
Why Edgeworth?

Client Testimonials

Though initially reticent about removing onsite guards, after seeing Remote Guarding in action, the CEO of the property management company is now thrilled by its effectiveness. The CEO says, “I am a total Remote Guarding convert.”

CEO of large California-based Property Management Company

Since our company moved our security network to Edgeworth, everything is over 80% better. Their staff is terrific and they notify us immediately if any strangers enter our apartment buildings. They conduct immediate” voice-down” in almost every case, the intruder runs out of the building immediately. Packages are rarely taken from the mailbox area and our tenants are thrilled with this level of care.

I could not be happier.

Thomas Gordon Chairman, DSL Construction

What Does Remote Guarding Do?

Deters potential threats with agents utilizing Voice Down technology.

Leverages machine learning to automatically adjust to changes in human activity.

Minimizes crimes of opportunity by proactively identifying maintenance needs and preventing vandalism and other property damage.

Communicates with on-site contacts as needed during any incident

Quickly deploys local authorities when needed

Reduces liability risk by identifying and limiting risky behavior

Provides additional value and peace of mind to employees, customers and visitors


Our Reliable Process for Resolving Your Unique Needs

Remote Guarding Solves:

  • Vandalism & property damage
  • Trespassing & loitering
  • Safety of staff and patrons
  • Theft
  1. We analyze your property
  2. We inventory your equipment
  3. We chat about your ongoing security concerns
  4. We create a custom remote guard implementation

Remote Guard Benefits

Ways Our Remote Guarding Solution Could be Deployed

Fixed Deployment

Fully integrated system with on-site cameras blanketing your property.

Mobile/Solar Deployment

Towable camera system for properties such as construction sites with no outdoor power source available.

  • Easily retracted for deployment at another location.
  • Solar panels allow for completely silent operation
  • All power required to run the system is onboard

...Cost Section...


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UL 827B / UL 827 Registered Firm
The Monitoring Association logo

Edgeworth Security is a member of the Monitoring Association.

Remote Guarding News


Elevate your physical security by adding Digital Intel from Open Source Intelligence

See what Edgeworth Remote Guarding solutions can do for you


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