Since its adoption in 2014, California’s Proposition 47, which was originally meant to ease the state’s prison overcrowding problem by decreasing penalties for property crimes, has actually emboldened criminals. The relaxed penalties correlate to increased instances of Smash and Grab thefts and shoplifting.
“Many believe this light punishment has made criminals more brazen, willing to break into cars in broad daylight even with bystanders present.”
To protect against this uptick in property crime, businesses can look to new and emerging technologies like Edgeworth’s Remote Guarding. Unlike traditional, reactionary alarms, Remote Guarding offers a proactive, preventative security solution.
How Edgeworth’s Remote Guarding proactively prevents crimes using highly trained people, proprietary processes, and state of the art technology:
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and advanced analytics, built into our state of the art cameras, alert our highly trained security agents to active incidents, eliminating human error. These cameras are able to differentiate between human, animal and environmental disruptions and identify true concerns versus harmless incidents.
Digital Line Barriers
Digital Line Barriers blanket a property in a network of virtual guardrails and guidelines tailored to our client’s schedule and property specifics to create a roadmap of normal activity. When unusual/undesirable activity is detected, our highly trained agents step in to catch would-be intruders BEFORE they can break into the property.
Voice Down Live Communication
Our experienced agents are able to communicate directly to trespassers through 100 decibel speakers. Voice Down is extremely effective, deterring 93% of trespassers in the moment. Following a Voice Down directive, 100% of non-compliant suspects have been apprehended.
Relationship with Law Enforcement
Edgeworth’s verifiable information and strong relationships with law enforcement ensure a swift response. During an incident, our live agents act as the eyes and ears for police, in real-time until they arrive. This active management significantly increases the odds that criminals will be caught and arrested.
Learn more about how Edgeworth’s Remote Guarding, featuring state of the art technology and artificial intelligence, prevents crimes before they occur.