The CEO of a large, multi-family residential property management company is already discovering the benefits of signing up for Edgeworth’s proactive Remote Guarding. Prior onsite security guards cost the management company $800,000 a year across multiple properties and were actually discovered to be negligent in their duties by Edgeworth. During the security transition to Remote Guarding, our smart technology caught these onsite guards falsifying security task documents and sleeping in their cars. This is just one example of how Edgeworth is disrupting the ineffective manned guarding industry with Remote Guarding, while providing significant cost savings to clients. We were able to save this property management company $500,000 annually in security costs. Savings this significant are typical for Edgeworth’s Remote Guarding clients, most clients can expect to save 40% over manned guarding.
Beyond cost savings, Remote Guarding is providing immediate, major improvements in property and resident security for this client:
#1: Voice Down Stops Crime at Multi-Family Residence
Shortly after the management company subscribed, our Remote Guarding security solution successfully deterred trespassers. Loitering is a frequent problem on the property. Edgeworth’s Digital Line Barriers alerted our experienced agents to unusual activity. Our agents began monitoring the situation and engaged Voice Down Live Communication, ordering the trespassers to leave the property. Security guards are limited in their ability to patrol all areas of a property. Remote Guarding’s comprehensive monitoring ensures your property is secure at all times from all angles.
Voice Down Stats
Voice Down has a 93% deterrence rate and, when an agent’s commands are ignored, 100% of suspects have been apprehended.
What is Voice Down? When unusual/undesirable activity is detected, Voice Down Live Communication enables Edgeworth agents to communicate directly with suspects to prevent a crime from occurring in the moment.
#2: High-Definition Security Cameras Provide Evidence of Felony Mail Theft
During the installation period of monitoring equipment, prior to the activation of Remote Guarding, our state of the art system captured video of a thief stealing mail from the community mailbox. This surveillance footage is now being used by the United States Postal Service in its investigation. During an active monitoring period, Remote Guarding would have stopped this incident as it was happening and allowed law enforcement to arrest the perpetrator for felony mail theft.
#3: Remote Guarding Prevents Car Burglaries
Edgeworth’s Remote Guarding stopped intruders from breaking into resident vehicles. Once alerted, our agents used Voice Down communication to notify the thieves that they were being monitored. Real-time information was also provided to law enforcement, enabling police to successfully catch and arrest the thieves.
What this Multi-Family client is saying about Remote Guarding
Though initially reticent about removing onsite guards, after seeing Remote Guarding in action, the CEO of the property management company is now thrilled by its effectiveness. The CEO says, “I am a total Remote Guarding convert.”
What other owners of multi-family complexes should consider
Multi-family complexes, including apartment buildings and condos, face many security challenges including property theft, loiterers, parking lot and overall resident safety. Physical guards are reactive and can only provide coverage for certain areas of a property at a time. Remote Guarding provides complete premises coverage for clients at a significant cost savings by using state of the art artificial intelligence, high-definition cameras, digital line barriers, access control systems, and our highly trained agents.
Interested in learning more about what Edgeworth Security could do for your multi-family residential property? Contact us for a free security assessment.